Source code for croco_wx

#! /usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

The CroCo Cross-Link Converter GUI

Graphical interface to convert results from data analysis of chemical cross-linking /
mass-spectrometry experiments.

This script creates the GUI in wxPython (
import os, sys, re

import wx
import wx.adv

import pandas as pd

import croco
#from pandas import read_csv

def clear_multidirdialog_path(path):
    pattern = re.compile(r'.*(\w:)')
    parts = path.split(os.path.sep)
        drive = pattern.match(parts[0]).group(1)
        parts[0] = drive
        if os.path.isdir(os.path.sep.join(parts)):
            return os.path.sep.join(parts)
            raise Exception ['[ClearMDD] Generated path not found on your system']
        raise Exception('[ClearMDD] Error during path generation')

def alphanum_string(s):
    Method to clean strings from incorrect characters for file output
    Required for croco_wx
    # new compiler that finds non-alphanumeric characters
    rex = re.compile(r'\W')
    # actually replace the strings
    result = rex.sub('_', s)

    # remove double occurences of _ in the string
    # initialize
    old_char = ''
    new_result = ''
    for char in result:
        if old_char != char:
            new_result += char
            # prevent removal of double occurences of other strings than _
            if old_char != '_':
                new_result += char
        old_char = char

    return new_result

[docs]class CroCoMainFrame(wx.Frame): """ The wx window class for the croco cross-link converter GUI Attributes: availReads (dict): Dictionary with writing operation to list: [function to call (func), options for displaying a related widget (list)]. Structure of options list: (Label for the widget (str)), type of the widget (can be 'file'/'dir'/'input'/'check'), Help text (str), Optional multi-purpose field: e.g. default value for input fields) availWrites (dict): Dictionary with writing operation to list. For structure see availReads. currentPath (str): set starting path for folder selection GUI col_order (list of str): defines the column headers required for xtable output inputOptionsToUserInput (dict): mapping the label names to the user-provided input outputOptionsToUserInput (dict): mapping the label names to the user-provided input """ def __init__(self): """ Initialises parameters for the MainFrame """ # ensure the parent's __init__ is called wx.Frame.__init__(self, None, wx.ID_ANY, style= wx.SYSTEM_MENU | wx.CAPTION | wx.CLOSE_BOX, title='The CroCo cross-link converter') self.panel = wx.Panel(self) ## setting the icon for the frame # in case of calling croco from the source folder structure... file_dir, file_name = os.path.split(__file__) if os.path.exists(os.path.join(file_dir, './croco/data/croco_logo.ico')): iconFile = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(file_dir, './croco/data/croco_logo.ico')) # ... or calling from a exe-file in a folder-setup with the data folder at top-level elif os.path.exists('./croco/data/croco_logo.ico'): iconFile = os.path.abspath('./croco/data/croco_logo.ico') # ... or calling from within a single bundled exe-file else: try: # PyInstaller creates a temp folder and stores its path in _MEIPASS base_path = sys._MEIPASS iconFile = os.path.abspath(\ os.path.join(base_path, './data/croco_logo.ico')) # ... or something went wrong except: raise Exception('croco_logo.ico not found') ## end setting the icon icon = wx.Icon(iconFile, wx.BITMAP_TYPE_ICO) self.SetIcon(icon) self.currentPath = os.getcwd() # define the croco read and write options and link to the modules # each value of a dict is a list of [ functionToCall, options] self.availReads = {'pLink1': [croco.pLink1.Read, []], 'pLink2': [croco.pLink2.Read, []], 'Kojak': [croco.Kojak.Read, [('Kojak rawfile', 'input', 'Please provide the name of the rawfile for the data')]], 'Kojak+Percolator': [croco.KojakPercolator.Read, [('Kojak rawfile', 'input', 'Please provide the name of the rawfile for the data'), ('Validation string', 'input', 'string appended to all files during percolator run', '.validated')]], 'StavroX': [croco.StavroX.Read, [('SSF file', 'file', 'Please provide an SSF file as returned by StavroX')]], 'Xi': [croco.Xi.Read, []], 'Xi+XiFDR': [croco.XiSearchFDR.Read, [('xi config file', 'file', 'Path to corresponding xi_config file')]], 'xQuest': [croco.xQuest.Read, []], 'xTable': [croco.xTable.Read, []]} self.availWrites = {'xTable': [croco.xTable.Write, []], 'xVis': [croco.xVis.Write, []], 'xiNet': [croco.xiNET.Write, []], 'DynamXL': [croco.DynamXL.Write, []], 'xWalk': [croco.xWalk.Write, [('PDB to map xlinks to', 'file', 'Please provide a PDB file you want to map the xlinks to.\n'+\ 'No special format is required as only the filename is used'), ('Offset', 'input', 'Difference between the index in the PDB file and the xTable. ' +\ 'Is either a single integer or a list of protein:offset assignments.'), ('Chains', 'input', 'Map chains to protein names (e.g. Protein1:AB, Protein2:C). '+\ 'Use exactly the same naming scheme as the xTable file'), ('PDB Atom code', 'input', 'Provide an PDB atom code (e.g. CB) for distance calculation')]], 'pLabel': [croco.pLabel.Write, [('Dir containing mgf files', 'dir', 'Provide path to a folder containing mgf-files corresponding to the'+\ 'rawfile names in the input file'), ('Xlinker as referenced by pLabel', 'input', 'Provide a cross-linker name (e.g. BS3) that is used by pLabel'+\ 'to calculate the potentially linked amino acids', 'BS3'), ('Merge mgf files', 'check', 'Tick to merge mgf files into one file containign' + 'only the spectra mentioned in the (merged) pLabel')]], 'customTable': [croco.customTable.Write, [('Custom Template', 'file', 'Provide tample file for parsing')]]} self.col_order = ['rawfile', 'scanno', 'prec_ch', 'pepseq1', 'xlink1', 'pepseq2', 'xlink2', 'xtype', 'modmass1', 'modpos1', 'mod1', 'modmass2', 'modpos2', 'mod2', 'prot1', 'xpos1', 'prot2', 'xpos2', 'type', 'score', 'ID', 'pos1', 'pos2', 'decoy'] #: bool: True if the read format is set self.readSet = False #: bool: True if the write format is set self.writeSet = False # create a menu bar self.make_menu_bar() # load widgets # ALWAYS AFTER LOADING MENU AND STATUS BAR!!!! self.create_widgets() # Dicts mapping the label names to the user-provided input self.inputOptionsToUserInput = {} self.outputOptionsToUserInput = {}
[docs] def create_widgets(self): """ Create the widgets for the croco MainFrame Attributes: compactTableCheck (wx.CheckBox): whether to compact the table before passing to output function mergeTableCheck (wx.CheckBox): Whether to merge multiple files (pass paths in loop) sameSettingsCheck (wx.CheckBox): whether to apply the same settings to all files or call separately writeFormat (str): the format to write data to (from availWrites) readFormat (str): the format to read data from (from availReads) """ ## define the widgets # define the contents of the first sizer input_lbl = wx.StaticText(self.panel,wx.ID_ANY, label='Input', style=wx.ALIGN_CENTER ) self.inputButton = wx.Button(self.panel, label='Load file(s)') self.inputButton.Enable(False) self.readFormat = wx.Choice(self.panel, choices=sorted(list(self.availReads.keys()))) output_lbl = wx.StaticText(self.panel,wx.ID_ANY, label='Output', style=wx.ALIGN_CENTER ) self.outputButton = wx.Button(self.panel, label='Write to') self.outputButton.Enable(False) self.writeFormat = wx.Choice(self.panel, choices=sorted(list(self.availWrites.keys()))) self.compactTableCheck = wx.CheckBox(self.panel, label='Compact xTable') self.mergeTableCheck = wx.CheckBox(self.panel, label='Merge xTables before conversion') self.sameSettingsCheck = wx.CheckBox(self.panel, label='Same settings for all files') self.controlStart = wx.Button(self.panel, label='Start') self.controlStart.Enable(False) controlQuit = wx.Button(self.panel, label='Quit') helpButton = wx.ContextHelpButton(self.panel) ## create Connects self.readFormat.Bind(wx.EVT_CHOICE, self.on_read_format) self.readFormat.Bind(wx.EVT_HELP, lambda evt: self.display_info('Select data-format for input', caption='Help')) self.writeFormat.Bind(wx.EVT_CHOICE, self.on_write_format) self.writeFormat.Bind(wx.EVT_HELP, lambda evt: self.display_info('Select data-format for output', caption='Help')) self.inputButton.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.on_open_switch) self.inputButton.Bind(wx.EVT_HELP, lambda evt: self.display_info('Opens a dialog to select file for input', caption='Help')) self.outputButton.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.on_output_dir) self.outputButton.Bind(wx.EVT_HELP, lambda evt: self.display_info('Opens a dialog to select output dir', caption='Help')) controlQuit.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.on_exit) self.controlStart.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.on_start) self.controlStart.Bind(wx.EVT_HELP, lambda evt: self.display_info('Start the conversion', caption='Help')) self.compactTableCheck.Bind(wx.EVT_HELP, lambda evt: self.display_info('Only add minimal columns to xTable', caption='Help')) self.mergeTableCheck.Bind(wx.EVT_HELP, lambda evt: self.display_info('Merge the data from multiple input files into one. Does not work for xi+xiFDR.', caption='Help')) self.sameSettingsCheck.Bind(wx.EVT_HELP, lambda evt: self.display_info('Use the same settings for all processed files.', caption='Help')) ## define the layout # define the sizers (main widget layouts) used in the app topSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) loadSizer = wx.FlexGridSizer(rows=2, cols=3, vgap=10, hgap=10) loadSizerContainer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) controlSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) checkSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) # assign the widgets to the sizers loadSizer.AddMany([input_lbl, (self.readFormat, 1, wx.EXPAND), self.inputButton, output_lbl, (self.writeFormat, 1, wx.EXPAND), self.outputButton]) # allow to resize the second row loadSizer.AddGrowableCol(1, 1) # contain the grid in a BoxSizer to set borders individually loadSizerContainer.Add(loadSizer, proportion=1, flag=wx.ALL|wx.EXPAND) # Set checkboxes checkSizer.Add(self.compactTableCheck, 1, wx.ALL|wx.EXPAND, 5) checkSizer.Add(self.mergeTableCheck, 1, wx.ALL|wx.EXPAND, 5) checkSizer.Add(self.sameSettingsCheck, 1, wx.ALL|wx.EXPAND, 5) # Set start and quit buttons controlSizer.Add(self.controlStart, 1, wx.RIGHT, 5) controlSizer.Add(controlQuit, 0, wx.LEFT | wx.ALIGN_RIGHT, 5) controlSizer.Add(helpButton, 0, wx.LEFT | wx.ALL | wx.EXPAND, 5) # assign lower sizers to the top-level sizer topSizer.Add(loadSizerContainer, 0, wx.ALL|wx.EXPAND, 5) # topSizer.Add(reviewSizer, 0, wx.ALL|wx.EXPAND, 5) topSizer.Add(checkSizer, 0, wx.EXPAND|wx.RIGHT, 5) topSizer.Add(wx.StaticLine(self.panel), 0, wx.ALL|wx.EXPAND, 5) topSizer.Add(controlSizer, 0, wx.EXPAND|wx.RIGHT, 5) # topSizer.Add(gauge, 0,wx.ALL|wx.EXPAND, 5) # assign the top sizer to the panel i.e. main layout instance self.panel.SetSizer(topSizer) topSizer.Fit(self)
[docs] def make_menu_bar(self): """ Create the top menu for the CroCo MainFrame """ # Make a file menu fileMenu = wx.Menu() # The "\t..." syntax defines an accelerator key that also triggers # the same event # menu_load = fileMenu.Append(-1, "&Load file\tCtrl-O", # "Load a new file") # fileMenu.AppendSeparator() # When using a stock ID we don't need to specify the menu item's # label exitItem = fileMenu.Append(wx.ID_EXIT) # Now a help menu for the about item helpMenu = wx.Menu() aboutItem = helpMenu.Append(wx.ID_ABOUT) # Make the menu bar and add the two menus to it. The '&' defines # that the next letter is the "mnemonic" for the menu item. On the # platforms that support it those letters are underlined and can be # triggered from the keyboard. menuBar = wx.MenuBar() menuBar.Append(fileMenu, "File") menuBar.Append(helpMenu, "Help") # Give the menu bar to the frame self.SetMenuBar(menuBar) # Finally, associate a handler function with the EVT_MENU event for # each of the menu items. That means that when that menu item is # activated then the associated handler function will be called. # self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnLoad, menu_load) self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.on_exit, exitItem) self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.on_about, aboutItem)
## GUI Functions
[docs] def on_read_format(self, event): """ function to enable the file input button only after an input format was chosen Args: event (wx.Event) """ self.theReadFormat = self.readFormat.GetString(self.readFormat.GetSelection()) print('[on_read_format] Reading {} format'.format(self.theReadFormat)) self.inputButton.Enable(True)
[docs] def on_write_format(self, event): """ function to enable the file output button only after an input format was chosen Args: event (wx.Event) """ self.theWriteFormat = self.writeFormat.GetString(self.writeFormat.GetSelection()) print('[on_write_format] Writing {} format'.\ format(self.theWriteFormat)) self.outputButton.Enable(True)
[docs] def on_open_switch(self, event): """ Open a dir-opening dialog if pLink was selected, else file-opening Args: event (wx.Event) """ if 'pLink' in self.theReadFormat: self.on_input_dir() else: self.on_input_file()
[docs] def on_input_file(self): """ Open a file dialog and set the paths Attributes: theInput (list of str): selected input paths """ dlg = wx.FileDialog(self, message="Choose one or multiple files for input", defaultDir=self.currentPath, defaultFile="", wildcard="*.*", style=wx.FD_MULTIPLE) if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: self.theInput = dlg.GetPaths() self.currentPath = os.path.dirname(self.theInput[0]) print('[on_input_file] Loaded {}'.format(', '.join(self.theInput))) dlg.Destroy() self.readSet = True if self.writeSet: self.controlStart.Enable(True)
[docs] def on_input_dir(self): """ Open a dir dialog and set the paths """ # # replacement for DirDialog to allow multiple input dirs # import wx.lib.agw.multidirdialog as MDD # # # In standard wx there is no dialog to select multiple dirs at once # # The MDD MultiDirDialog is a bit outdated but with a few path corrections # # should allow the user to select multiple dirs on windows # dlg = MDD.MultiDirDialog(self, # title="Choose one or multiple directories for Input:", # defaultPath=self.currentPath, # agwStyle=MDD.DD_MULTIPLE|MDD.DD_DIR_MUST_EXIST) # # if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: # # self.theInput is always a list of paths # self.theInput = [clear_multidirdialog_path(x) for x in dlg.GetPaths()] # self.currentPath = os.path.dirname(self.theInput[0]) # print('[on_input_dir] Loaded {}'.format(', '.join(self.theInput))) # MDD MultidirDialog is terribly slow when compiled --> use standard # input dilaog dlg = wx.DirDialog(self, message="Choose a directory:", defaultPath=self.currentPath, style=wx.DD_DEFAULT_STYLE | wx.DD_NEW_DIR_BUTTON) if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: self.currentPath = dlg.GetPath() # requried to provide a list as other dialogs can return lists of # input elements self.theInput = [dlg.GetPath()] print('[on_output_dir] Loaded {}'.format(self.currentPath)) dlg.Destroy() self.readSet = True if self.writeSet: self.controlStart.Enable(True)
[docs] def on_output_dir(self, event): """ Open a dialog to select an output dir Attributes: theOutput (str): Path to write output """ dlg = wx.DirDialog(self, message="Choose a directory:", defaultPath=self.currentPath, style=wx.DD_DEFAULT_STYLE | wx.DD_NEW_DIR_BUTTON) if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: self.currentPath = self.theOutput = dlg.GetPath() print('[on_output_dir] Loaded {}'.format(self.currentPath)) dlg.Destroy() self.writeSet = True if self.readSet: self.controlStart.Enable(True)
[docs] def on_exit(self, event): """Close the frame, terminating the application.""" dlg = wx.MessageDialog(self, "Do you really want to close this application?", "Confirm Exit", wx.OK|wx.CANCEL|wx.ICON_QUESTION) result = dlg.ShowModal() dlg.Destroy() if result == wx.ID_OK: self.Destroy()
def on_cancel(self, event): self.closeProgram()
[docs] def on_about(self, event): """Show the about dialog""" aboutInfo = wx.adv.AboutDialogInfo() aboutInfo.SetName("The CroCo cross-link converter") aboutInfo.SetVersion('0.6.5') aboutInfo.SetDescription("Graphical interface to convert results from "+\ "data analysis of chemical cross-linking "+\ "mass-spectrometry experiments.") aboutInfo.SetCopyright("(C) 2019") aboutInfo.SetWebSite("") aboutInfo.AddDeveloper("Julian Bender (") wx.adv.AboutBox(aboutInfo)
[docs] def display_warning(self, message, caption = 'Warning!'): """ Issue a warning on the console and as a wx window Args: message (str): Message to send caption (str): Title for the wx-window """ print('[WARN] {}'.format(message)) dlg = wx.MessageDialog(self, message, caption, wx.OK | wx.ICON_WARNING) del self.wait dlg.ShowModal() dlg.Destroy()
[docs] def display_info(self, message, caption = 'CroCo'): """ Generate a message dialog Args: message (str): Message to send caption (str): Title for the wx-window """ dlg = wx.MessageDialog(self, message, caption, wx.OK | wx.ICON_INFORMATION) dlg.ShowModal() dlg.Destroy()
## Procedural Functions
[docs] def on_start(self, event): """ Show dialog if additional user input is required. Otherwise start the conversion """ # Check if there are options to ask for if len(self.availReads[self.theReadFormat][1]) > 0 or\ len(self.availWrites[self.theWriteFormat][1]) > 0: # init the OptionsWindow as child OptionsFrame = CroCoOptionsFrame(self) # set the variables in the child window OptionsFrame.InputOptionsToAsk = self.availReads[self.theReadFormat][1] OptionsFrame.OutputOptionsToAsk = self.availWrites[self.theWriteFormat][1] # update the controls according to the variables OptionsFrame.update_options() # show the window OptionsFrame.Show() else: # reset args dicts self.inputOptionsToUserInput = dict() self.outputOptionsToUserInput = dict() self.on_run(event)
[docs] def on_run(self, event): """ Collect all necessary information from self and start the conversion by calling the actual conversion script Args: event (wx.Event) """ print('[on_run] Going to convert {} from {} '.format(', '.join(self.theInput), self.theReadFormat) + 'format to {} format'.format(self.theWriteFormat)) # Displays a busy cursor during the run of the programme self.wait = wx.BusyCursor() def croco_read(listOfFilepaths): """ Wrapper for CroCo reading the input to xTable Args: listOfFilepaths (list): List of paths to the input files or directories """ try: if len(self.inputOptionsToUserInput) > 0 : # are there options given at all? if self.sameSettingsCheck.GetValue() is False: # the options are differing for each file # init a list of xtables because every single call to # croco with a different set of options will # generate another table allData = list() for file in listOfFilepaths: fname = os.path.basename(file) print(fname) # Collect the input options for this file by concatenating # the options label with the file name args = list() for option in self.availReads[self.theReadFormat][1]: label = fname + ' - ' + option[0] args.append(self.inputOptionsToUserInput[label]) print('[croco_read] Found input args for file {}: "{}"'.format(fname, ', '.join(args))) s = self.availReads[self.theReadFormat][0](file, *args, col_order=self.col_order) allData.append(s) xtable = pd.concat(allData, axis=0, ignore_index=True) else: #options are all the same args = list(self.inputOptionsToUserInput.values()) print('[croco_read] Found input args for file {}: "{}"'.format(listOfFilepaths, ', '.join(args))) xtable = self.availReads[self.theReadFormat][0](listOfFilepaths, *args, col_order=self.col_order) else: print('[croco_read] No extra input arguments required.') xtable = self.availReads[self.theReadFormat][0](listOfFilepaths, col_order=self.col_order) print('[croco_read] Table(s) successfully read: {}'.format(', '.join(listOfFilepaths))) except Exception as e: self.display_warning('Error while reading Input-file: ' + str(e)) print('[croco_read] xTable read from input: {}'.format(', '.join(xtable.columns))) # Compact the xTable if checkbox is checked xtable = croco.HelperFunctions.order_columns(xtable, col_order=self.col_order, compact=self.compactTableCheck.GetValue()) return xtable def croco_write(xtable, outpath, basename=None): """ Wrapper for CroCo writing an xTable to file Args: xtable (pandas.DataFrame): a table to write outpath (str): Path to write to basename (str): Basename of the current file to retrieve labels """ print('[croco_write] Writing table in {} format to {}'.format(self.theWriteFormat, outpath)) try: if len(self.outputOptionsToUserInput) > 0 : # are there options given at all? if self.sameSettingsCheck.GetValue() is False: # are the options all the same? # if multiple input options but only one output option # is given: use only the output option label as key if basename: halfLabel = basename + ' - ' else: halfLabel = '' args = list() for option in self.availWrites[self.theWriteFormat][1]: label = halfLabel + option[0] args.append(self.outputOptionsToUserInput[label]) print('[croco_write] Found output args for file {}: "{}"'.format(basename, ', '.join([str(x) for x in args]))) self.availWrites[self.theWriteFormat][0](xtable, outpath, *args) else: args = list(self.outputOptionsToUserInput.values()) print('[croco_write] Found input args for file {}: "{}"'.format(basename, ', '.join([str(x) for x in args]))) xtable = self.availWrites[self.theWriteFormat][0](xtable, outpath, *args) else: print('[croco_write] No extra output arguments required.') self.availWrites[self.theWriteFormat][0](xtable, outpath) print('[croco_write] Table successfully written!') except Exception as e: self.display_warning('[croco_write] Writing to {} was '.format(outpath) + 'not successfull:{}'.format(str(e))) def generate_outname(listOfFilepaths, maxNameLength=50): """ Generate a single namestring form the names of the input file(s) Args: listOfFilepaths (list): List of full paths to the input file(s) maxNameLength (int): Max number of outname characters, triggers truncation """ # if no user-defined output dir use current if self.theOutput == '': self.theOutput = os.path.dirname(listOfFilepaths[0]) # set filename for output file fileString = '_'.join([os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(x))[0] for x in listOfFilepaths]) fileString = alphanum_string(fileString) outName = fileString + '_' + self.theReadFormat +\ '_to_' + self.theWriteFormat if len(outName) > maxNameLength: outName = outName[:maxNameLength-10] + 'and_others' # generate output path w/o extension outpath = os.path.join(self.theOutput, outName) return outpath # merging the files: Read the input in a single go if self.mergeTableCheck.GetValue() == True: xtable = croco_read(self.theInput) outpath = generate_outname(self.theInput) try: croco_write(xtable, outpath) except Exception as e: self.display_warning('[on_run] Conversion of {} was '.format(self.theInput) + 'not successfull:{}'.format(str(e))) # not merging the files -> a single CroCo run for each file else: for f in self.theInput: xtable = croco_read([f]) outpath = generate_outname([f]) try: croco_write(xtable, outpath, basename=os.path.basename(f)) except Exception as e: self.display_warning('[on_run] Conversion of {} was '.format(f) + 'not successfull:{}'.format(str(e))) # ends busy cursor del self.wait self.display_info('File(s) successfully written ' + 'to {}!'.format(outpath), caption='Success!')
[docs]class CroCoOptionsFrame(wx.Frame): """ Child Frame to CroCoMainWindow asking the user for input regarding the possible options of a submodule Attributes: parent (wx.Frame): parent frame currentPath (str): current working directory InputOptionsToAsk (list): Input options from CroCoMainWindow InputOptionsToAsk (list): Output options from CroCoMainWindow """ def __init__(self, parent): """ Initialise the wxFrame Args: parent: parent object """ wx.Frame.__init__(self, wx.GetApp().TopWindow, wx.ID_ANY, style= wx.SYSTEM_MENU | wx.CAPTION | wx.CLOSE_BOX, title='Options') self.panel = wx.Panel(self) ## setting the icon for the frame # in case of calling croco from the source folder structure... file_dir, file_name = os.path.split(__file__) if os.path.exists(os.path.join(file_dir, './croco/data/croco_logo.ico')): iconFile = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(file_dir, './croco/data/croco_logo.ico')) # ... or calling from a exe-file in a folder-setup with the data folder at top-level elif os.path.exists('./croco/data/croco_logo.ico'): iconFile = os.path.abspath('./croco/data/croco_logo.ico') # ... or calling from within a single bundled exe-file else: try: # PyInstaller creates a temp folder and stores its path in _MEIPASS base_path = sys._MEIPASS iconFile = os.path.abspath(\ os.path.join(base_path, './data/croco_logo.ico')) # ... or something went wrong except: raise Exception('croco_logo.ico not found') ## end setting the icon icon = wx.Icon(iconFile, wx.BITMAP_TYPE_ICO) self.SetIcon(icon) # generate a variable containing the parent to allow pushing back # the user-provided input self.parent = parent # set starting path for folder selection GUI self.currentPath = os.getcwd() # in these variables the options from CroCoMainWindow will be written self.InputOptionsToAsk = [] self.OutputOptionsToAsk = []
[docs] def update_options(self): """ Collect the variables that determine the layout of the options window and compute the window layout Attributes: textCtrls (dict): mapping text labels to input text fields. all inputs done by extra dialog widgets (file and paths) are stored upon closing the dialogs. Text and checkbox inputs have to be evaaluated when the okay-Button has been pressed """ def create_options_container(self, option, listofOptions, filename=None): """ Creates and options widget comprising a label and an input field (either a button for a file or dir dialog or a free text input) Args: option (tuple): (label, type of input) listOfOptions (list): a list object to append to user-input to filename (str): if the same options are processed for multiple files, add the filename to the options label Returns: optionContainer: wx.BoxSizer object """ if filename: # append space to filename to simplify code filename = filename+' - ' else: # set the filename to an empty string filename = '' # when using separate options for multiple files, the filename # is added to the option to ask for and the combined label # serves as key for later retrieving the inputs label = filename + option[0] optionLabel = wx.StaticText(self.panel, wx.ID_ANY, # name for the label preceding the buttons label=label, style=wx.ALIGN_CENTER) optionLabel.Bind(wx.EVT_HELP, lambda evt: self.display_info(option[2], caption='Help')) if option[1] == 'file': optionButton = wx.Button(self.panel, label='Load file', name=label) # Bind using a lambda function to be able to pass multiple args # to the called function # see: optionButton.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, lambda evt, appendTo=listofOptions, label=label: self.on_open_file(evt, appendTo, label)) optionButton.Bind(wx.EVT_HELP, lambda evt: self.display_info(option[2], caption='Help')) elif option[1] == 'dir': optionButton = wx.Button(self.panel, label='Open directory', name=label) optionButton.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, lambda evt, appendTo=listofOptions, label=label: self.on_open_dir(evt, appendTo, label)) optionButton.Bind(wx.EVT_HELP, lambda evt: self.display_info(option[2], caption='Help')) elif option[1] == 'input': # The 4th (optional) element of the options tuple is the multi # purpose field that may contain the default value for the # input field if len(option) > 3: defValue = option[3] else: defValue = '' optionButton = wx.TextCtrl(self.panel, value=defValue, name=label) self.textCtrls[label] = optionButton optionButton.Bind(wx.EVT_HELP, lambda evt: self.display_info(option[2], caption='Help')) elif option[1] == 'check': optionButton = wx.CheckBox(self.panel, name=label) self.textCtrls[label] = optionButton optionButton.Bind(wx.EVT_HELP, lambda evt: self.display_info(option[2], caption='Help')) else: raise Exception('[create_options_container] Wrong options format for option: {}'\ .format(label)) optionContainer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) optionContainer.Add(optionLabel, 0, wx.ALL|wx.EXPAND, 5) optionContainer.Add(optionButton, 0, wx.ALL|wx.EXPAND, 5) return optionContainer # dict mapping text labels to input text fields self.textCtrls = {} # lists containign the label, button sizers for passing to higher # level sizer InputOptionContainers = [] OutputOptionContainers = [] def generate_input_option_containers(file=None): """ Wrapper to generate label/input option containers for either a set of filename/options combinations or for a single """ for option in self.InputOptionsToAsk: optionContainer = create_options_container(self, option, self.parent.inputOptionsToUserInput, filename=file) InputOptionContainers.append((optionContainer, 0, wx.ALL|wx.EXPAND, 5)) def generate_output_option_containers(file=None): """ Wrapper to generate label/output option containers for either a set of filename/options combinations or for a single """ for option in self.OutputOptionsToAsk: optionContainer = create_options_container(self, option, self.parent.outputOptionsToUserInput, filename=file) OutputOptionContainers.append((optionContainer, 0, wx.ALL|wx.EXPAND, 5)) # if different settings should be applied to the different files if self.parent.sameSettingsCheck.GetValue() is False: # file the files are not merged in the process if self.parent.mergeTableCheck.GetValue() is False: for file in self.parent.theInput: file = os.path.basename(file) generate_input_option_containers(file) generate_output_option_containers(file) # if the files are merged -> no need to ask for multiple output # options else: for file in self.parent.theInput: file = os.path.basename(file) generate_input_option_containers(file) generate_output_option_containers() # if the same settings are applied for all files, there is no need # to ask for file-specific options else: generate_input_option_containers() generate_output_option_containers() ### create_widgets inputSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) inputSizer.AddMany(InputOptionContainers) outputSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) outputSizer.AddMany(OutputOptionContainers) optionSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) optionSizer.Add(inputSizer, 0, wx.ALL|wx.EXPAND, 5) optionSizer.Add(outputSizer, 0, wx.ALL|wx.EXPAND, 5) ## Controls okayButton = wx.Button(self.panel, label='Okay') closeButton = wx.Button(self.panel, label='Close') helpButton = wx.ContextHelpButton(self.panel) controlSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) controlSizer.Add(okayButton, 0, wx.EXPAND|wx.LEFT, 5) controlSizer.Add(closeButton, 0, wx.EXPAND|wx.RIGHT, 5) controlSizer.Add(helpButton, 0, wx.LEFT | wx.ALL | wx.EXPAND, 5) ## topSizer topSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) topSizer.Add(optionSizer, 0, wx.ALL|wx.EXPAND, 5) topSizer.Add(wx.StaticLine(self.panel), 0, wx.ALL|wx.EXPAND, 5) topSizer.Add(controlSizer, 0, wx.ALL|wx.EXPAND, 5) # assign the top sizer to the panel i.e. main layout instance self.panel.SetSizer(topSizer) topSizer.Fit(self) closeButton.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.on_cancel) okayButton.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.on_okay)
def on_cancel(self, event): print('[on_cancel] Closing options window') self.Close()
[docs] def on_okay(self, event): """ If the user clicks okay, all inputs will be evaluated, returned to the parent classe and the on_run method of the parent class will be called """ def collect_user_options_input(file=None): """ Wrapper for collecting the user input stored as attributes of CroCoOptionsWindow and return it to the parent class """ for option in self.InputOptionsToAsk: if file == None: label = option[0] else: label = file + ' - ' + option[0] if (option[1] == 'input') or (option[1] == 'check'): userInput = self.textCtrls[label].GetValue() self.parent.inputOptionsToUserInput[label] = userInput def collect_user_options_output(file=None): """ Wrapper for collecting the user input stored as attributes of CroCoOptionsWindow and return it to the parent class """ # label, type, help, optional for option in self.OutputOptionsToAsk: if file == None: label = option[0] else: label = file + ' - ' + option[0] # all inputs done by extra dialog widgets (file and paths) are # stored upon closing # the dialogs. Text and checkbox inputs have to be evaaluated # when the okay-Button has been pressed if (option[1] == 'input') or (option[1] == 'check'): userInput = self.textCtrls[label].GetValue() self.parent.outputOptionsToUserInput[label] = userInput # if different settings should be applied to the different files if self.parent.sameSettingsCheck.GetValue() is False: # if the files are not merged in the process if self.parent.mergeTableCheck.GetValue() is False: for file in self.parent.theInput: file = os.path.basename(file) collect_user_options_input(file) collect_user_options_output(file) # if the files are merged -> the input options will be called by their # filename + name and the output options only by their name else: for file in self.parent.theInput: file = os.path.basename(file) collect_user_options_input(file) collect_user_options_output() # if the same settings are applied for all files, all options will be # file-name independent else: collect_user_options_input() collect_user_options_output() if len(self.parent.inputOptionsToUserInput) > 0: print('[on_okay] Options for Input') for key in self.parent.inputOptionsToUserInput: print('\t{}: {}'.format(key, self.parent.inputOptionsToUserInput[key])) if len(self.parent.outputOptionsToUserInput) > 0: print('[on_okay] Options for Output') for key in self.parent.outputOptionsToUserInput: print('\t{}: {}'.format(key, self.parent.outputOptionsToUserInput[key])) self.parent.on_run(event) # Closing options window after passing options to main window self.Close()
[docs] def on_open_file(self, event, dictToAppend, label): """File opening method of CroCoOptionsWindow""" dlg = wx.FileDialog(self, message="Choose a file for input", defaultDir=self.currentPath, defaultFile="", wildcard="*.*", style=wx.FD_MULTIPLE) if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: self.currentPath = dictToAppend[label] = dlg.GetPath() print('[on_open_file] Loaded {}'.format(self.currentPath)) dlg.Destroy()
[docs] def on_open_dir(self, event, dictToAppend, label): """Dir opening method of CroCoOptionsWindow""" dlg = wx.DirDialog(self, message="Choose one directory for Input:", defaultPath=self.currentPath, style=wx.DD_DEFAULT_STYLE | wx.DD_DIR_MUST_EXIST) if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: self.currentPath = dictToAppend[label] = dlg.GetPath() print('[on_open_dir] Loaded {}'.format(self.currentPath)) dlg.Destroy()
[docs] def display_info(self, message, caption = 'CroCo'): """Info dialog method of CroCoOptionsWindow""" dlg = wx.MessageDialog(self, message, caption, wx.OK | wx.ICON_INFORMATION) dlg.ShowModal() dlg.Destroy()
if __name__ == '__main__': # When this module is run (not imported) then create the app, the # frame, show it, and start the event loop. app = wx.App() frm = CroCoMainFrame().Show() app.MainLoop()