Source code for croco.xWalk

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

Functions to write data as input for xWalk.


import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import os

if __name__ == '__main__':
    import HelperFunctions as hf
    from . import HelperFunctions as hf

def _aminoacid_from_sequence(pepseq, xlink):
    Return the 3-character amino acid label of the cross-linked AA
    from a peptide sequence
    and the relative position of the cross-linker in the sequence
        pepseq (str): peptide sequence
        xlink (int): position of the cross-link within the sequence
        str: 3-letter amino acid code for the cross-linked amino acid

    aa_dict = {'R': 'ARG',
           'H': 'HIS',
           'K': 'LYS',
           'D': 'ASP',
           'E': 'GLU',
           'S': 'SER',
           'T': 'THR',
           'N': 'ASN',
           'Q': 'GLN',
           'C': 'CYS',
           'U': 'SEC',
           'G': 'GLY',
           'P': 'PRO',
           'A': 'ALA',
           'V': 'VAL',
           'I': 'ILE',
           'L': 'LEU',
           'M': 'MET',
           'F': 'PHE',
           'Y': 'TYR',
           'W': 'TRP'

        AA = aa_dict[pepseq[int(xlink)-1].upper()]
        raise Exception('[xWalk] Could not translate amino acid {} from the sequence {} into 3-letter code. Please manually correct the sequence.'.format(pepseq[int(xlink)-1].upper(), pepseq))

    return AA

[docs]def Write(xtable, outpath, pdb, offset, chains, atom): """ Convert xTable into a list format that can be used as input for the xWalk standalone programme. Format is: index \t pdb-file \t RESIDUE-NO--ATOM \t RESIDUE-NO--ATOM As xWalk can only validate one protein at a time, the function generates several oouput files for all intra-protein cross-links Args: xtable (pandas.DataFrame): data table structure pdb (str): PDB-file name offset (list or str): shift between PDB AA indices and the xTable chains: (dict or str) comma separated list protein:chain allocations atom (str): Atom identifier (e.g. CB) outpath (str): path to write file """ pdbBase = os.path.basename(pdb) if not pdbBase.endswith('.pdb'): raise Exception('Please provide a valid PDB file') # drop duplicates xtable.drop_duplicates(inplace=True, keep='first', subset='ID') xtable['File name'] = pdbBase if len(atom.strip()) > 4: raise Exception('[xWalk Write] Please provide PDB atom code with at most 4 characters') xtable['atom'] = str(atom).upper() chainDict = dict() if not isinstance(chains, dict): if isinstance(chains, str): chains = [x.strip() for x in chains.split(',')] try: for annotation in chains: if annotation != '': protein, chain = annotation.strip().split(':') # by generating a list of the string, all characters will be represented # as single chain identifiers chainDict[protein] = list(chain.upper()) except: raise Exception('[xWalk Write] Please specify protein:chain in an comma-separated list from the GUI or as a dict') # drop duplicates on the cross-link position as only the absolute position # is relevant to xWalk xtable.drop_duplicates(subset=['xpos1', 'xpos2'], keep='first', inplace=True) # remove rows that contain NaN in prot1 or prot2 i.e. monolinks xtable.dropna(subset=['prot1', 'prot2'], inplace=True) # set the 3-character code for the cross-linked amino acids xtable['linked_aa1'] = np.vectorize(_aminoacid_from_sequence)\ (xtable['pepseq1'], xtable['xlink1']) xtable['linked_aa2'] = np.vectorize(_aminoacid_from_sequence)\ (xtable['pepseq2'], xtable['xlink2']) allChainTables = list() for proteinA in chainDict.keys(): for chainA in chainDict[proteinA]: for proteinB in chainDict.keys(): for chainB in chainDict[proteinB]: thisXTable = xtable[(xtable['prot1'] == proteinA) &\ (xtable['prot2'] == proteinB)][['File name', 'atom', 'pepseq1', 'pepseq2', 'xpos1', 'xpos2', 'prot1', 'prot2', 'linked_aa1', 'linked_aa2']] thisXTable['chain1'] = chainA thisXTable['chain2'] = chainB allChainTables.append(thisXTable) xWalkTable = pd.concat(allChainTables) # to assign offsets to every protein, a single integer (one for all) or a # dict mapping protein names to offsets is required if not isinstance(offset, dict): # convert the offset user-input into an integer as requried for pandas below try: # the input is a single integer offset = int(offset) except: # the input is a list of protein:offset pair strings try: offset = [x.strip() for x in offset.split(',')] except: raise Exception('[xWalk Write] Please provide an integer offset for all chains or a list of protein:offset assignments!') # if the offset is an integer, use it for all protein positions if isinstance(offset, int): xWalkTable['xpos1'] += offset xWalkTable['xpos2'] += offset else: # if it is a list (see above) the protein:offset pairs are parted if isinstance(offset, list): offsetDict = dict() try: for annotation in offset: protein, offset = annotation.strip().split(':') offsetDict[protein] = int(offset) except: raise Exception('[xWalk Write] Please specify protein:offset in an comma-separated list from the GUI or as a dict') # if it si a dict, it can directly be used if isinstance(offset, dict): offsetDict = offset try: print(offsetDict) for pr, of in offsetDict.items(): xWalkTable.loc[xWalkTable['prot1'] == pr, 'xpos1'] += of xWalkTable.loc[xWalkTable['prot2'] == pr, 'xpos2'] += of except: raise Exception('[xWalk Write] error during assignment of offsets to proteins') atomInfo1 = list() atomInfo2 = list() for idx, row in xWalkTable.iterrows(): atomInfo1.append('-'.join([str(row['linked_aa1']), str(int(row['xpos1'])), str(row['chain1']), str(row['atom'])])) atomInfo2.append('-'.join([str(row['linked_aa2']), str(int(row['xpos2'])), str(row['chain2']), str(row['atom'])])) xWalkTable['Atom Info 1'] = atomInfo1 xWalkTable['Atom Info 2'] = atomInfo2 # Remove those amino acids interacting with itself (distance = 0) xWalkTable = xWalkTable[xWalkTable['Atom Info 1'] != xWalkTable['Atom Info 2']] xWalkTable.reset_index(inplace=True) # increase df index by 1 xWalkTable.index = range(1,len(xWalkTable)+1) xWalkTable.loc[:, ['File name', 'Atom Info 1', 'Atom Info 2']]\ .to_csv('{}_{}.tsv'.format(hf.compatible_path(outpath), 'xWalk'), header=False, index = True, index_label = 'Index', sep='\t')
if __name__ == '__main__': from xTable import Read pdb = r'C:\Users\User\Documents\03_software\python\CroCo\testdata\final\1pkn.pdb' atom = 'CB' out = r'C:\Users\User\Documents\03_software\python\CroCo\testdata\final\output\xTable_to_vis\xWalk' chains = 'P11974:A' offset = 'P11974:-1' xtable = Read(r'C:\Users\User\Documents\03_software\python\CroCo\testdata\final\output\all_merged_xTable_intra.xlsx') xtable = Write(xtable=xtable, outpath=out, pdb=pdb, offset=offset, chains=chains, atom=atom)