Source code for croco.xQuest

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

Functions to read xQuest data.


import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

import re

if __name__ == '__main__':
    import HelperFunctions as hf
    from . import HelperFunctions as hf

def _process_xquest_spectrum(spec_string):
    Extract rawfile name, precursor charge and scan no from xQuest spectrum

        spec_string: xQuest spectrum string
        str or np.nan: rawfile name
        int or np.nan: scan number
        int or np.nan: precursor charge
    spectrum_pattern = re.compile('(.+)\.(\d+)\.\d+\..+\.\d+\.\d+\.(\d+)')
    if spectrum_pattern.match(spec_string):
        match = spectrum_pattern.match(spec_string)
        rawfile, scanno, prec_ch = match.groups()
        return str(rawfile), int(scanno), int(prec_ch)
        return np.nan

def _process_xquest_id(Id_string):
    Extract peptide sequence of the alpha (longer) and the beta (shorter)
    peptide as well as the relative positions of the cross-links within
    these sequences from an xQuest Id-string

        ID_string (str): an xQuest Id-String
        type (str): the xlink type from xQuest (monolink, inrtalink, xlink)
        str or np.nan: pepseq1
        str or np.nan: pepseq2
        int or np.nan: xlink1
        int or np.nan: xlink2
    xlink_pattern = re.compile('^(\w+)-(\w+)-a(\d+)-b(\d+)')
    intralink_pattern = re.compile('^(\w+)-\D{1}(\d+)-\D{1}(\d+)')
    monolink_pattern = re.compile('^(\w+)-\D{1}(\d+)-\d+')

    if xlink_pattern.match(Id_string):
        match = xlink_pattern.match(Id_string)
        # pepseq1, pepseq2, xlink1, xlink2
        pepseq1, pepseq2, xlink1, xlink2 = match.groups()

#                return pepseq1, pepseq2, xlink1, xlink2
        return pepseq1, pepseq2, int(xlink1), int(xlink2)
    elif intralink_pattern.match(Id_string):
        match = intralink_pattern.match(Id_string)
        # pepseq1, pepseq2, xlink1, xlink2
        pepseq, xlink1, xlink2 = match.groups()

#                return pepseq, pepseq, xlink1, xlink2
        return pepseq, pepseq, int(xlink1), int(xlink2)
    elif monolink_pattern.match(Id_string):
        match = monolink_pattern.match(Id_string)
        # pepseq1, pepseq2, xlink1, xlink2
        pepseq, xlink = match.groups()

#                return pepseq, np.nan, xlink, np.nan
        return pepseq, np.nan, int(xlink), np.nan
        return np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan

def _categorize_xquest_type(XQType):
    Extract protein name and absolute cross-link position from
    xQuest type string (xlink, loop, mono)

        XQType (str): xquest type string
        str or np.nan: type of cross-link (inter, loop, mono)

    if XQType == 'xlink':
        return 'inter'
    elif XQType == 'intralink':
        return 'loop'
    elif XQType == 'monolink':
        return 'mono'
        return np.nan

[docs]def Read(xQuest_files, col_order=None, compact=False): """ Read xQuest results file and return file in xTable format. Args: xQuest_files (list): path to xQuest results file(s) col_order (list): List of xTable column titles that are used to sort and compress the resulting datatable compact (bool): Whether to compact the xTable to only those columns listed in col_order Returns: pandas.DataFrame: xTable data table """ # convert to list if the input is only a single path if not isinstance(xQuest_files, list): xQuest_files = [xQuest_files] allData = list() xQuest_dtypes = {'z': pd.Int64Dtype(), 'Protein1': str, 'Protein2': str, 'AbsPos1': pd.Int64Dtype(), 'AbsPos2': pd.Int64Dtype(), 'ld-Score': float} for file in xQuest_files: ### Collect data and convert to pandas format print('Reading xQuest-file: ' + file) # only called if inter_file is not None # try: s = pd.read_csv(hf.compatible_path(file), delimiter='\t', na_values='-', dtype=xQuest_dtypes) allData.append(s) # except: # raise Exception('[xQuest Read] Failed opening file: {}'.format(file)) xtable = pd.concat(allData) rename_dict = {'z':'prec_ch', 'Protein1':'prot1', 'Protein2': 'prot2', 'AbsPos1': 'xpos1', 'AbsPos2': 'xpos2', 'ld-Score': 'score'} # Copy and rename selected columns to new xquest df try: xtable.rename(index=str, columns=rename_dict, inplace=True) except Exception as e: raise Exception('[xQuest Read] Error during xQuest header renaming: %s' % e) # Extract rawfile, scanno and precursor charge from the mgf header string # used as Spectrum by xQuest xtable[['rawfile', 'scanno', 'prec_ch']] =\ pd.DataFrame(xtable['Spectrum'].apply(_process_xquest_spectrum).tolist(), index=xtable.index) print('[xQuest Read] Processed Spectrum entry') # Extract peptide sequences and relative cross-link positions form the # xQuest ID-string xtable[['pepseq1', 'pepseq2', 'xlink1', 'xlink2']] =\ pd.DataFrame(xtable['Id'].apply(_process_xquest_id).tolist(), index=xtable.index) print('[xQuest Read] Processed xQuest ID' ) # Modifications are not defined in xQuest xtable['mod1'], xtable['mod2'] = "", "" # calculate the absolute position of the first amino acide of the resp # peptides xtable['pos1'] = xtable['xpos1'] - xtable['xlink1'] + 1 xtable['pos2'] = xtable['xpos2'] - xtable['xlink2'] + 1 print('[xQuest Read] Calculated positions') # Assign mono xtable['type'] = xtable['Type'].apply(_categorize_xquest_type) if len(xtable[xtable['type'] == 'inter']) > 0: # Reassign the type for intra and inter xlink to inter/intra/homomultimeric intraAndInter = (xtable['type'] == 'inter') | (xtable['type'] == 'intra') xtable.loc[intraAndInter, 'type'] =\ np.vectorize(hf.categorize_inter_peptides)(xtable[intraAndInter]['prot1'], xtable[intraAndInter]['pos1'], xtable[intraAndInter]['pepseq1'], xtable[intraAndInter]['prot2'], xtable[intraAndInter]['pos2'], xtable[intraAndInter]['pepseq2']) print('[xQuest Read] categorized inter peptides') else: print('[xQuest Read] skipped inter peptide categorization') # generate an ID for every crosslink position within the protein(s) xtable['ID'] =\ pd.Series(np.vectorize(hf.generate_id, otypes=['object'])(xtable['type'], xtable['prot1'], xtable['xpos1'], xtable['prot2'], xtable['xpos2']), index=xtable.index).replace('nan', np.nan) print('[xQuest Read] Generated ID') # xQuest does not incorporate decoy entries in the results table # but protein names can contain identifiers as reverse or decoy xtable['decoy'] = xtable['ID'].str.contains('reverse') |\ xtable['ID'].str.contains('decoy') # the following properties cannot directly be inferred from the # xQuest results file # to avoid confusion with missing valued like np.nan, they are set to # UNKNOWN for header in ['xtype', 'modmass1', 'modpos1', 'modmass2', 'modpos2']: xtable[header] = np.nan xtable['search_engine'] = 'xQuest' xtable = hf.order_columns(xtable, col_order, compact) ### Return df return xtable
if __name__ == '__main__': """ For testing purposes only """ col_order = [ 'rawfile', 'scanno', 'prec_ch', 'pepseq1', 'xlink1', 'pepseq2', 'xlink2', 'xtype', 'modmass1', 'modpos1', 'mod1', 'modmass2', 'modpos2', 'mod2', 'prot1', 'xpos1', 'prot2', 'xpos2', 'type', 'score', 'ID', 'pos1', 'pos2', 'decoy'] xtable = Read(r'C:\Users\User\Documents\03_software\python\CroCo\testdata\PK\xQuest\20190227_croco_PK_xquest_results_targetdecoy.xls', col_order=col_order)