Source code for croco.StavroX

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

Functions to read StavroX processed crosslink data.

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

import os, re
if __name__ == '__main__':
    import HelperFunctions as hf
    from . import HelperFunctions as hf

def _type_from_proteins(protein1_string, protein2_string):
    Decide whether its a mono, loop, intra or inter-protein link
    based on the fields Protein 1 and Protein 2 of a StavroX results

        protein1_string (str): A Protein1 string from StavroX
        protein2_string (str): A Protein2 string from StavroX
        str: type of cross-link (mono, loop, intra, inter)

    if protein2_string == 'H2O':
        return 'mono'
    elif protein2_string == 'intrapeptidal':
        return 'loop'
    elif protein1_string == protein2_string:
        return 'intra'
        return 'inter'

def _clear_protname(protname_string):
    Clear fasta-header and return the cleaned string. Also remove StavroX
    specific protein2-terms like H20 and intrapeptidal

        protname_string (str): A StavroX-Protein string

        str: cleaned protein string (my be empty string)
    if protname_string.startswith('>'):
        protname_string = protname_string.split(' ')[0]
        return protname_string[1:]
    elif protname_string == 'H2O':
        return ''
    elif protname_string == 'intrapeptidal':
        return ''
        return protname_string

def _clear_xlink(xlink_string):
    Removes all non-numerical characters from a string.

        xlink_string (str): Contains the xlink position with the linked AA
        int: the xlink position without the amino acid label
    xlink_string = re.sub('\D+', '', xlink_string)

    return int(xlink_string)

def _calc_xpos2(t, pos1, pos2, xlink2):
    Calculate the absolute position of a beta-peptide cross-link
    based on what type the xlink is

        t(str): type of the crosslink (mono, loop, inter/intra/homomultimeric)
        pos1(int): absolute position of the first AA of the alpha-peptide
        pos2(int): absolute position of the first AA of the beta-peptide
        xlink2(int): relative position of the cross-link in the beta-peptide
        int: absolute position of the cross-link in the beta-peptide

        if t == 'mono':
            return np.nan
        elif t == 'loop':
            return int(pos1) + int(xlink2) - 1
            return int(pos2) + int(xlink2) - 1
        return np.nan

def _mods_and_sequences_from_peptides(peptide1, peptide2, mod_dict):
    Extract modification position and name from two StavroX peptide strings.
    Set peptide2 to np.nan for monolinks and to peptide1 for loop-links

        peptide1 (str): Entry of the StavroX Peptide 1 column
        peptide2 (str): Entry of the StavroX Peptide 2 column
        mod_dict (dict): dict mapping modification abbreviations to lists of [Modified AA, Modification name, Modification mass]
        list: name of the modification(s) of peptide1
        list: position of the modification(s) of peptide1
        list: mass(es) of the modification(s) of peptide1
        list: name of the modification(s) of peptide2
        list: position of the modification(s) of peptide2
        list: mass(es) of the modification(s) of peptide2

    if str(peptide2) == '0': # mono-link
        peptide2 = np.nan
        (mod1, modpos1, modmass1, sequence1), (mod2, modpos2, modmass2, sequence2) =\
            _calculate_mod_modpos_modmass(peptide1), ([], [], [])
    elif str(peptide2) == '1': # loop-link
        (mod1, modpos1, modmass1, sequence1), (mod2, modpos2, modmass2, sequence2) =\
            _calculate_mod_modpos_modmass(peptide1, mod_dict), _calculate_mod_modpos_modmass(peptide1, mod_dict)
    else: # regular inter-peptide link
        (mod1, modpos1, modmass1, sequence1), (mod2, modpos2, modmass2, sequence2) =\
            _calculate_mod_modpos_modmass(peptide1, mod_dict), _calculate_mod_modpos_modmass(peptide2, mod_dict)

    return mod1, modpos1, modmass1, sequence1, mod2, modpos2, modmass2, sequence2

def _calculate_mod_modpos_modmass(peptide_string, mod_dict):
    Extraction modification, name of the modification and modification mass
    from a StavroX peptide string

        peptide_string (str): Entry of the StavroX Peptide 1/2 column
        mod_dict (dict): dict mapping modification abbreviations to lists of [Modified AA, Modification name, Modification mass]

        list: name of the modification(s)
        list: position of the modification(s)
        list: mass(es) of the modification(s)
        str: sequence without modification(s)

    # if there is no peptide, there are no modifications
        a_float = float(peptide_string)
        if np.isnan(a_float):
            return [], [], []
            raise Exception('Unusual peptide string recognised: {}'.format(a_float))
        modpos = []
        modmass= []
        mod = []

        sequence = ''
        for idx, char in enumerate(peptide_string):
            if char in mod_dict.keys():
                # avoid setting N- and C-terminal ends as modification
                char = mod_dict[char][0]
            if char in '[]{}':
            sequence += char

        return mod, modpos, modmass, sequence

def _parse_ssf(ssf_file):
    Parses a StavroX properties.ssf file to extract modification identifiers
    and masses

        ssf_file (str): path to the properties.ssf file from StavroX

        dict: Dict mapping modification identifiers a list of [modified AA, name of modification, modmass]
    ssf_dict = {}
    current_list = None

    with open(ssf_file, 'r') as f:
        line = f.readline()
        while line:
            if 'ELEMENTS' in line:
                current_list = 'elements'
                ssf_dict[current_list] = []
            elif 'AMINOACIDS' in line:
                current_list = 'AAs'
                ssf_dict[current_list] = []
            elif 'VARMODIFICATION' in line:
                current_list = 'varmods'
                ssf_dict[current_list] = []
            elif 'STATMODIFICATION' in line:
                current_list = 'fixedmods'
                ssf_dict[current_list] = []
            elif 'END' in line:
                current_list = None
            elif current_list != None:
            line = f.readline()

    elements2mass = dict((x, y) for x, y in ssf_dict['elements'])

    AA2formula = dict((y,z) for x,y,z in ssf_dict['AAs'])
    AA2name = dict((y,x) for x,y,z in ssf_dict['AAs'])
    mod_dict = dict()
    for x,y,z in ssf_dict['varmods']:
        mod_dict[y] = [x,]
    for x,y in ssf_dict['fixedmods']:
        mod_dict[y] = [x,]

    for symbol in mod_dict.keys():
        modformula = AA2formula[symbol]
        elements, stoichiometries = _elemental_composition(modformula, elements2mass)
        modmass = 0
        for element, amount in zip(elements, stoichiometries):
            modmass += int(amount) * float(elements2mass[element])
        unmodformula = AA2formula[mod_dict[symbol][0]]
        elements, stoichiometries = _elemental_composition(unmodformula, elements2mass)
        unmodmass = 0
        for element, amount in zip(elements, stoichiometries):
            unmodmass += int(amount) * float(elements2mass[element])

#    mod2mass = {}
#    mod2name = {}
#    for AA in AA2formula:
#        if AA not in 'RHKDESTNQCUGPAVILMFYW':
#            formula = AA2formula[AA]
#            elements, stoichiometries = _elemental_composition(formula, elements2mass)
#            mass = 0
#            for element, amount in zip(elements, stoichiometries):
#                mass += int(amount) * float(elements2mass[element])
#            mod2mass[AA] = mass
#            mod2name[AA] = AA2name[AA]

    return mod_dict

def _elemental_composition(formula, elements2mass):
    Compute two lists with elements and amount of atoms from
    a chemical cormula

        formula (string): a chemical formula like C6H12N2O
        elements2mass (dict): a dict mapping elements to mass

        elements: a list of the elements in the formula
        stoichiometries: a list of the amounts of these elements

    elements = []
    this_stoichiometrie = None
    stoichiometries = []
    collected_stoichiometry = True # set initial to true to avoid
    # setting element 1 to 1

    # formula is e.g. C6H12N2O
    for char in formula:
        # check if character is an element
        if char in elements2mass.keys():
            # only enter if this_stoichiometrie has been filled
            if this_stoichiometrie:
                # if stoichiometrie is not given as 1
                this_stoichiometrie = ''
                this_stoichiometrie = ''
                if collected_stoichiometry is False:
            collected_stoichiometry = False
            this_stoichiometrie += char
            collected_stoichiometry = True
    if collected_stoichiometry is False:

    return elements, stoichiometries

[docs]def Read(stavrox_files, ssf_file, col_order=None, compact=False): """ Collect data from StavroX spectrum search and return an xtable data array. Args: stavrox_files: path or list of paths to StavroX output file(s) ssf_file: properties.ssf to load modification IDs and masses col_order (list): List of xTable column titles that are used to sort and compress the resulting datatable compact (bool): Whether to compact the xTable to only those columns listed in col_order Returns: pandas.DataFrame: xtable data table """ # convert to list if the input is only a single path if not isinstance(stavrox_files, list): stavrox_files = [stavrox_files] allData = list() stavrox_dtypes = {'Scan number': str, 'Charge': 'int16', 'Protein 1 From': pd.Int64Dtype(), 'Protein 2 From': pd.Int64Dtype(), 'Protein 1': str, 'Protein 2': str, 'Peptide 1': str, 'Peptide 2': str, 'best linkage position peptide 1': str, 'best linkage position peptide 2': str, 'Score': float} for file in stavrox_files: print('Reading StavroX-file: {}'.format(file)) try: with open(hf.compatible_path(file), 'r') as f: firstline = f.readline() headers = list() for element in firstline.split(';'): if element not in ['From', 'To']: # there is a typo in the StavroX output files if element == 'Peptide2': headers.append('Peptide 2') last_saved = 'Peptide 2' else: headers.append(element) last_saved = element else: headers.append(last_saved + ' ' + element) # the spectrum UUID column contains a semicolon delimiter! This messes up the whole csv reading headers.insert(-1, 'Spectrum UUID2') print(headers) # Reassign the column headers to avoid duplicate From and To fields s = pd.read_csv(hf.compatible_path(file), delimiter=';', header=0, index_col = False, dtype=stavrox_dtypes, names = headers) allData.append(s) except: raise Exception('[StavroX Read] Failed opening file: {}'.format(file)) xtable = pd.concat(allData) ### Process the data to comply to xTable format xtable = xtable.rename(columns={'Protein 1 From': 'pos1', 'Protein 2 From': 'pos2', 'Score': 'score' }) # the field Scan number contains the mgf file header. Use Regex to extract # scan no xtable[['rawfile', 'scanno', 'prec_ch']] = xtable['Scan number'].str.extract(hf.regexDict['mgfTITLE']) print('[StavroX Read] Parsed MGF title') # calculate the type of line (i.e. mono, loop, intra or inter) xtable['type'] = np.vectorize(_type_from_proteins)(xtable['Protein 1'], xtable['Protein 2']) print('[StavroX Read] inferred type') # Set pos1 to 1 if Nterminal cross-link xtable['pos1'] = xtable['pos1'].replace(0, 1) xtable['pos2'] = xtable['pos2'].replace(0, 1) print('[StavroX Read] changed xlink positions') # remove for example preceding > in UniProt headers xtable['prot1'] = xtable['Protein 1'].apply(_clear_protname) xtable['prot2'] = xtable['Protein 2'].apply(_clear_protname) print('[StavroX Read] Cleared Protein names') # Best linkage position also contains the linked AA (that is already given # by sequence and link position) # --> xtract only the numerical part # StavroX treats the N-terminus as 0th position --> replace by 1 xtable['xlink1'] = xtable['best linkage position peptide 1'].apply(_clear_xlink).replace(0, 1) xtable['xlink2'] = xtable['best linkage position peptide 2'].apply(_clear_xlink).replace(0, 1) print('[StavroX Read] Found xlink position') # calculate absolute position of xlink as sum of start of peptide # and relative position of the xlink xtable['xpos1'] = xtable['xlink1'].astype(int) + xtable['pos1'].astype(int) - 1 # xpos2 has to be calculated separately for inter/intra, loop and mono-peptides xtable['xpos2'] =\ np.vectorize(_calc_xpos2)(xtable['type'], xtable['pos1'], xtable['pos2'], xtable['xlink2']) print('[StavroX Read] Generated xpos') mod_dict = _parse_ssf(hf.compatible_path(ssf_file)) print('[StavroX Read] parsed SSF') # Extract the modification mass and position from the peptide string xtable[['mod1', 'modpos1', 'modmass1', 'pepseq1', 'mod2', 'modpos2', 'modmass2', 'pepseq2']] =\ pd.DataFrame(xtable[['Peptide 1', 'Peptide 2']].apply(\ lambda row: _mods_and_sequences_from_peptides(row['Peptide 1'], row['Peptide 2'], mod_dict), axis=1).tolist(), index=xtable.index) print('[StavroX Read] Extracted modifications and sequences') # generate an ID for every crosslink position within the protein(s) xtable['ID'] =\ pd.Series(np.vectorize(hf.generate_id, otypes=['object'])(xtable['type'], xtable['prot1'], xtable['xpos1'], xtable['prot2'], xtable['xpos2']), index=xtable.index).replace('nan', np.nan) print('[StavroX Read] Generated ID') # Stavrox does not run on isotope-labeled xlinkers xtable['xtype'] = np.nan if len(xtable[xtable['type'] == 'inter']) > 0: # Reassign the type for inter xlink to inter/intra/homomultimeric onlyInter = xtable['type'] == 'inter' xtable.loc[onlyInter, 'type'] =\ np.vectorize(hf.categorize_inter_peptides)(xtable[onlyInter]['prot1'], xtable[onlyInter]['pos1'], xtable[onlyInter]['pepseq1'], xtable[onlyInter]['prot2'], xtable[onlyInter]['pos2'], xtable[onlyInter]['pepseq1']) print('[StavroX Read] categorized inter peptides') else: print('[StavroX Read] skipped inter peptide categorization') # StavroX already filters decoys xtable['decoy'] = False # reassign dtypes for every element in the df # errors ignore leaves the dtype as object for every # non-numeric element xtable = xtable.apply(pd.to_numeric, errors = 'ignore') xtable['search_engine'] = 'StavroX' xtable = hf.order_columns(xtable, col_order, compact) return xtable
if __name__ == '__main__': # defines the column headers required for xtable output col_order = [ 'rawfile', 'scanno', 'prec_ch', 'pepseq1', 'xlink1', 'pepseq2', 'xlink2', 'xtype', 'modmass1', 'modpos1', 'mod1', 'modmass2', 'modpos2', 'mod2', 'prot1', 'xpos1', 'prot2', 'xpos2', 'type', 'score', 'ID', 'pos1', 'pos2', 'decoy'] stavrox_files = r'C:\Users\User\Documents\03_software\python\CroCo\testdata\PK\stavrox\20180615_KS_CL_9_pXtract.csv' ssf_file = r'C:\Users\User\Documents\03_software\python\CroCo\testdata\PK\stavrox\StavroxSettings.ssf' xtable = Read(stavrox_files, ssf_file, col_order=col_order, compact=False)